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Tap Safe Blog

Why Purify the Water, and What is The Best Method for Healthier Water?

Clean water without a lime! Healthier with clean drinking water. Avoid calcification in the body and the espresso machine. Avoid kidney stones and gallstones. Most ‘drink’ 180kg stone in life. Water from the supermarket is expensive and heavy to carry and also not as clean as osmosis water. There is probably a reason that millions […]

What are the Deadly Toxic Chemical Found in Your Water?

Deadly Toxic Chemicals Found in Drinking Water for at least 6 MILLION Americans Toxins used to stain-proof furniture and fight fire is in public water supply California worst affected, also New York, Florida, Georgia, and others At least 6m people affected, possibly more. Fed data omits 100m people The case echoes Flint, where 8,000 children […]

Harmful Chemicals They Use to Treat your Water

The U.S. Tap Water Water is vital to life. Not one living thing on the planet can survive without it, so naturally, we should be concerned about what is in our tap water and whether or not it is safe to drink. Our bodies are made up of over 60% water, and every muscle, bone, […]

3 Tips in Choosing the Best Home Water Filter that Suits Your Needs

Home Water Filter Home water filters have now become a standard part of many American homes because more Americans have come to realize the truth that dangerous contaminants in our drinking water are a constant threat to our physical health. Bacteria, illegal and prescription drugs, disinfectants, lead, chloroform, fluoride, radon, and E. coli are just […]

Lead in Tap Water Can Cause A Tremendous Problem

How Big is the Problem? Lead poisoning from drinking water is such a significant concern right here in Ontario that it has prompted every major city to require schools and day-care centers to test for lead annually. Many day-care centers use water filters. There are many reports from both government departments and public health organizations […]

Positive Results of Tap Water Softener and Its Advantages

Tap Water Softener How to Weigh Up Saltless Water Softeners If you think your traditional water conditioner is beginning to become a hassle for you, then it is time to consider a saltless water softener. The salt that is used in traditional water conditioners can be tough to replace. They can be messy and can […]

The Risks That You Need to Know When Using Tap Water

The General Public Needs To Know What Is In Their Tap Water Drinking and bathing in clean water is the right step toward good health.  A decade ago, people were concern about our environment becoming more and more polluted.  Today, our environment is polluted, and our tap water is a health hazard for drinking and […]

The Importance of Using A Water Filter for Your Home

Filtered, Pure Drinking Water for your family with a Home Water Filter! There’s a pretty wide variety of home water filters available. From the very inexpensive on-tap filter to the excellent and extremely popular water ionizer, you can be sure to find a safe, reliable way to purify your drinking water. Search around the web, and you’ll see that there are […]

What is Alkaline Water and what is Kangen Water?

Is it safe? What is Kangen Water? Kangen water is run through a “Kangen Machine”, which uses electrolysis to make alkaline water. Alkaline water is water that has had its acidity reduced. Think high school chemistry with acids and bases- alkaline water is more basic. Kagan water also claims to benefit from the process of […]

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